Additional Resources
- Watch our series of helpful videos available in the Instructional Videos page of the docs.
- There is an About Your Premium Trial reference page which you may find useful if you have deeper questions about the 7-day premium trial details.
- Read up on our latest developments and thoughts at our blog.
- Our Terms of Service are always available for reference.
You can go to the upgrade page to purchase premium when you are ready.
Take advantage of our 30-day full refund offer
If your trial runs out and you still need some time to play with a premium feature or two, you can always use our 30-day refund offer. On your first purchase of premium, you can cancel any time within 30 days and get a full refund.
We want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase and to have adequate time to make your decision.
You can easily get help by contacting us in the user forum or by emailing us at [email protected]. The forum also has plenty of useful information such as Release Notes, Announcements, and questions from other users. Let us know if you've got a suggestion or want to provide feedback, too.
Updated over 4 years ago