Set Up Orgs

Create an Org so you can buy Premium for multiple users under one credit card


The Org management tab can be found in your odrive home on the web client. However, before you see it for the first time, you need to activate the feature.

Activate the Orgs feature

Activate Orgs for your account by going to the Org Access page. Once you've clicked on the ENABLE button on that page, you'll be able to see the ORG tab in your odrive home on the web client.


Activate Orgs by clicking on the button at the top of the Org Access page.

Add your first Org

Go to the ORG tab of your odrive home on the web client and click on the + Create Org link.


At the Create org dialog, give your Org a name and enter the email addresses to which you'd like to send the Org invitations. You don't need to have all of the invites figured out right now. You'll be given a chance to send new invites out at a future time at your convenience.



An email will be sent out to the addresses you've specified when creating the Org. The invitation email that your users will receive will look like this below.


When the user clicks on the link in the email, they will be asked to confirm linking the Org to their account.

Confirmation to join Org (signed in already)

If the user is signed in, the button will read LINK ORG, and they should confirm that they are signed in to odrive as the user they want to join the Org.


Confirmation to join Org (not signed in yet)

The confirmation screen will look slightly different if the user is not signed in to odrive currently. They'll be able to sign in with the user they want to join the Org with after pushing the SIGN IN & LINK ORG button.


Accepting an invite when I haven't signed up for odrive yet

If the recipient doesn't have an odrive account yet, they will see the same dialog as for Confirmation to join Org (not signed in yet) immediately above when they click on the link in the invite email.

The user can click on the SIGN IN & LINK ORG button anyway to create a new user through the sign in flow. When they finish authenticating with their chosen sign-in provider, odrive will detect that their user doesn't exist and display a standard confirmation message:


The user can select CREATE NEW USER to proceed, which will allow them to link the Org to the new user once user creation is complete.


Select an Org to edit

After creating your Org, you will see it in your Org list. You can select the Org by clicking on it if you want to configure its settings.



Who can see a particular Org in the ORG tab of their odrive home?

Regular Org members cannot see the Org in their odrive home ORG tab. Only an Admin of the Org can see the Org in the list of Orgs.

Rename an Org

The Org list in your odrive home also has dropdown menu options which you can use. You can select the RENAME option to give your Org a new name.


Remove an Org

Use the REMOVE option in the Org list dropdown to remove an Org. If your Org has an active premium subscription, you will be required to first Cancel autorenewal on the subscription before being able to complete the deletion procedure.


Invite new members

Under the MEMBERS tab, you will see an + Add Member option which you can use to invite additional people to your Org.


Simply specify a list of e-mails to which you want to send your Org invitations.


Free plan Orgs can add as many users as desired. It will be easier to add all of your users to the Org before upgrading, so we recommend using the time while your Org is on the free plan to set up for your first purchase.

Premium Orgs are required to stay under their subscription license count since all members of a Premium Org must be part of the paid subscription plan (there is otherwise no need to use Orgs since Orgs is purely a way to facilitate group purchase of multiple Premium licenses under one credit card).

If the number of people you are inviting exceeds your subscription count, you will see a message such as the one below when you click to ADD MEMBERS TO ORG.


If you run into this alert message, you will need to purchase more subscription units before you can invite those additional users.

Delete an Org membership

To delete an existing Org member (whether or not they have accepted the invitation yet), find the member in your MEMBERS tab list and click on the dropdown menu. Select the DELETE MEMBER option and confirm your choice on the confirmation dialog that comes up.


Promote a member to an Admin of the Org

Org admins can see and manage your Org in their own ORG tab of their odrive home. Org admins are equal in scope, so be sure to only promote someone that you trust since they can demote you from Admin access at any time.

To promote a user, find them on the MEMBERS tab of your Org and click to reveal the dropdown menu options. Select the PROMOTE/DEMOTE MEMBER option.

Once you promote the member to an Admin, they will see the ORG tab in their odrive home (no need for them to have to activate the Orgs feature individually like the Org creator had to do in the beginning) and can manage it just like you can.


What are all the things an Org admin can do?

An Org admin can see the Org in their ORG tab in their odrive home. This allows them to rename or remove the Org.

An admin will also be able to select the Org from the Org list to manage it, giving them these capabilties:

  • Manage the Org member list and invite others to join the Org.
  • Edit the subscription. Upgrade or downgrade between free and Premium Org subscriptions, turn off autorenewal, and change the number of paid subscription units.
  • Billing management. View past charges and invoices, and update the credit card details for the Org.


View subscription details

The SUBSCRIPTION tab allows you to see the Org's current subscription status.


Under the PLAN field, you will see either Freemium (if this Org is on the free plan) or Annual Premium Org Subscription (if you have a Premium Org plan). If you are on the Freemium plan and wish to upgrade, you can do so here by clicking on the "change" link.

Upgrading to Premium

Clicking on "change" to upgrade will bring up a purchase dialog which will confirm that you wish to upgrade all of the members to Premium by purchasing an Premium Org plan. You must upgrade all users in your Org. If there are users you do not wish to upgrade, you should remove them from the Org first.


Clicking on NEXT will bring up a credit card form for you to complete your purchase. This credit card dialog will be where to enter a Promo Code if you have one.

NOTE: Promo Codes for Org subscriptions are highly atypical--most promo codes, if available, apply only to individual Premium subscriptions.


What if I don't want to upgrade everyone in my Org?

The Org feature exists in odrive currently to facilitate group purchasing. There are otherwise no special Premium Org features compared to if the individual members purchased personal Premium subscriptions themselves. As such, there is no reason to add a user to the Org if you are not planning on purchasing Premium for them through the Org.

That being said, if you are planning on buying Premium for multiple batches of users at different points in time, then you can simply just start with your first set of users (which all must be upgraded at once at the time you purchase the Premium Org subscription).

Later on, you'll be able to increase your license count and invite more users at your convenience when you want to add more people to your subscription.


Can I try out Orgs for my team before we buy?

For first time purchases, you can cancel anytime within 30 days for a full refund. If your subscription qualifies, you will see a "30 day refund" link next to the "Annual Premium Org Subscription" entry under PLAN. Otherwise, the link will say "Cancel autorenewal".

Also, there is no difference between the Premium capabilities afforded by a personal Premium subscription compared to what's granted through a Premium Org subscription. The only reason to set up an Org is for group purchasing (buying multiple subscriptions under one credit card).

So your individual team members will also be able to use their normal 7-day free trial of Premium features when they sign up.

Changing Subscription License Units

You can change the number of paid subscription licenses you have in your Annual Premium Org Subscription. Find the "change" link next to the units you currently have in your plan and select it.


An explanation dialog will come up to describe how you will be billed.


Enter the desired number of users. You will see the annual base rate (excluding any applicable discounts, if any, on your account) change in the button.


Billing Charges for Changing Subscription License Units

Changes to Premium Org subscription units are always handled as follows:

  • Your subscription renewal anniversary date remains the same
  • Your account is issued a prorated credit for the remaining time between now and your renewal date for the original number of units purchased.
  • Your account is charged a prorated amount for the remaining time between now and your renewal date for the new number of units purchased.

Thus, if you reduce the number of units, you will be left with a net subscription credit on the account. If you increase the number of units, your credit card will be charged a net prorated amount for the change made.


Example of Subscription Unit Changes

Let's say you purchased your Premium Org on June 1, 2020 with 2 users at $99/yr per user. Your credit card will be charged $198, and your next renewal date will therefore be June 1, 2021.

Three months later on September 1, 2020, you decide to upgrade to 4 users.

First, you will receive a prorated credit for the original subscription of 2 users against the time remaining before your renewal date (9 months remaining). So you get 0.75 x $198 = $148.50 credit.

Next, you will be charged a prorated amount for the new subscription of 4 users against the time remaining before your renewal date (9 months remaining). So you will be charged 0.75 * $396 = $297 charged.

Net Effect

Your account has a $148.50 credit, so the net amount that will be charged to your credit card at this time will be $297 - $148.50 = $148.50 net amount charged.

When your renewal date comes around on June 1, 2021, your subscription will renew for $396 to cover the subscription until the next renewal date of June 1, 2022.

You can check your billing history afterwards or look at your billing invoices to make sure the prorated transactions make sense to you and are what you were expecting.


Why is the billing rate different from my business subscription contract?

Business subscriptions are billed separately according to your specific agreed contract terms. When you make changes to your Org units here, we detect the change and process the license change immediately so that you can begin inviting your users without having to wait for the billing portion to be settled.

For billing processing, a separate invoice will be issued with the correct contract values. This is why theChange Number of Userspop-up dialog mentions the discrepancy for business users. Unfortunately, the webapp is disconnected from our business subscription invoicing system so we are unable to present the specific terms for your specific contract here in the pop-up dialog when you are making your changes.

Refer to your signed contract for the proper billing rate details. Note that the changes made will be prorated to your subscription contact. So for an upgrade, you will be billed on a prorated basis per additional user. For downgrades, prorated account credit will be issued which will automatically apply to the next transaction (e.g. a future upgrade or at renewal time).

For major changes to your user count, you can always contact [email protected] to see if we can help with any of your changing needs. Also, if you ever have any billing issues or notice that any final charges don't match, you can contact [email protected] and we will resolve any issues as painlessly as possible.

Canceling for a refund (first time purchases within 30 days)

If your subscription is still within the refund period, you will see the "30 day refund" link next to the Annual Premium Org Subscription plan name in the SUBSCRIPTION tab.


Click on the "30 day refund" option to end your subscription and get a full refund (first time purchases only).

Canceling autorenewal

If your account is outside of the 30-day refund requirements, you will instead see a link to cancel automatic renewal of your subscription. After the subscription reaches the end of its current term, the subscription will expire.



View billing history

The BILLING tab allows you to see the account's billing history.


View an invoice

You can click on a specific invoice number link (see above) to view the specific details of a charge.

Change credit card details

Additionally, you can change the credit card details used for the payment method for the subscription. At the bottom of the BILLING view is a link to "Update credit card information for your Org" which you can use to bring up a credit card form.