Backup Questions

Frequently asked questions about the Backup feature

Question: How do I change the time between backup runs?

There is a config file setting backupIntervalMinutes which can be set.

Question: Do you have examples of how the Backup Destination Folder rules are applied?

Yes. First, here's a table format view of the rules in case it is helpful.

Destination Folder Name Does Not Match Source Folder Name

No matching subfolder existsCreate a new subfolder with the same name as the source folder and use it as the backup destination.
Matching subfolder exists and is emptyUse this empty subfolder as the backup destination.
Matching subfolder exists and is not emptyUse this empty subfolder as the backup destination. A warning message is displayed indicating that the destination folder is not empty.

Destination Folder Name Matches Source Folder Name

Folder is emptyUse this empty folder as the backup destination.
Folder is not emptyUse this empty folder as the backup destination. A warning message is displayed indicating that the destination folder is not empty.


Here are some examples to illustrate the application of the rules. In our examples, the source folder is something like C:\Users\jen\Projects, so the name of the source folder is Projects.

Example 1:
You select a destination folder Google Drive/Backups/Projects (the destination folder name matches the source folder name). This destination folder Google Drive/Backups/Projects/ will be used directly.

Example 2:
You select /Google Drive/Backups/ as your destination (where Backups does not match the source folder name Projects). We check to see if /Google Drive/Backups/ has a Projects subfolder in it. If it doesn't, then backup will create a new Projects subfolder. The new Google Drive/Backups/Projects will be used to hold your backup files.

Example 3:
You select a destination folder /Google Drive/Backups/ that already has a Projects subfolder in it. This existing /Google Drive/Backups/Projects folder will be used.

If /Google Drive/Backups/Projects is not empty, an warning dialog will appear when you click on "Create Backup" on the confirmation window in Step 4.