CLI only (for desktop clients)
The odrive CLI provides users with an expressive, scriptable interface to the odrive Windows and MacOS Desktop Clients.
For information about the odrive Agent (supporting all platforms including Linux) and using the CLI with it, please see this section of our usage guide
odrive CLI (
The CLI is used from the OS shell directly, or through shell scripts to control and enhance odrive Desktop Client and Agent behavior. The client is written in python (code available) and can be extended and customized to add additional functionality and automation.
INSTALL CLI ON WINDOWS is included with the odrive Desktop Client. You can find it in the following location: $HOME\.odrive\bin[version#]\cli\
We also offer binary versions of the CLI client for download, for those that do not have/want to install python. You can find those here - Download CLI
The following is a convenient Powershell one-liner to download and install the python and binary versions of the CLI to '$HOME\.odrive-agent\bin'
$o="$HOME\.odrive-agent\bin";mkdir "$o" -FORCE;(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("","$o\");(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$o\");$shl=new-object -com shell.application; $shl.namespace("$o").copyhere($shl.namespace("$o\").items(),0x10);del "$o\";
The following command will display the available client commands:
odrive.exe -h
python -h
As long as you have the odrive Desktop Client running, you can use the CLI to control its underlying Progressive Sync Engine. For example, the following command will show the current status of the odrive desktop client sync engine:
odrive.exe status
python status
INSTALL CLI ON MACOS is included with the odrive Desktop Client. You can find it in
We also offer binary versions of the CLI client for download, for those that do not have/want to install python. You can find those here - Download CLI
Running the following command inside a terminal session will install the python and binary versions of the CLI to $HOME/.odrive-agent/bin automatically:
od="$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin" && curl -L "" --create-dirs -o "$od/" && curl -L "" | tar -xvzf- -C "$od/"
The following command will display the available client commands:
python -h
odrive -h
As long as you have the odrive Desktop Client running, you can use the CLI to control its underlying Progressive Sync Engine. For example, the following command will show the current status of the odrive desktop client sync engine:
python status
odrive status
Since the odrive CLI client interfaces with the odrive Desktop Client, everything is already setup if you have the desktop client running and logged into odrive. Simply run the available CLI commands to perform your desired actions.
For example:
Sync a folder
sync [local path to .cloudf placeholder file]
python" sync "$HOME/odrive/Dropbox.cloudf"
odrive sync "$HOME/odrive/Dropbox.cloudf"
odrive.exe sync "$HOME\odrive\Dropbox.cloudf"
Sync a file
sync [local path to .cloud placeholder file]
python sync "$HOME/odrive/Dropbox/"
odrive.exe sync "$HOME\odrive\Dropbox\"
odrive sync "$HOME/odrive/Dropbox/"
- odrive CLI (Python):
- odrive CLI (OS X binary):
- odrive CLI (Windows binary):
For a detailed walkthrough of the odrive CLI with detailed examples, check out this blog post!
Updated about 4 years ago